Thai-Sport Massage of Dallas

Thai Massage in the Northern Lan Na tradition. Perfect for athletes and active people, also perfect for non athletes and people who just love great massage.
Choose a service to schedule
Traditional Thai Massage
- Traditional Thai Massage 30 minutes - $45
Thai Massage:
Thai massage on mat (great sports massage). Performed on a padded mat. Assisted stretching, and deep pressure using feet, knees, elbows, palms and thumbs. I will assume heavy to medium pressure.
Dress as for yoga class
Oil? No
Clothed? Yes - Traditional Thai Massage 45 minutes - $70
Thai Massage:
Thai massage on mat (great sports massage). Performed on a padded mat. Assisted stretching, and deep pressure using feet, knees, elbows, palms and thumbs. I will assume heavy to medium pressure.
Dress as for yoga class
Oil? No
Clothed? Yes - Traditional Thai Massage 1 hour - $90
Thai Massage:
Thai massage on mat (great sports massage). Performed on a padded mat. Assisted stretching, and deep pressure using feet, knees, elbows, palms and thumbs. I will assume heavy to medium pressure.
Dress as for yoga class
Oil? No
Clothed? Yes - Traditional Thai Massage 75 minutes - $110
Thai Massage:
Thai massage on mat (great sports massage). Performed on a padded mat. Assisted stretching, and deep pressure using feet, knees, elbows, palms and thumbs. I will assume heavy to medium pressure.
Dress as for yoga class
Oil? No
Clothed? Yes - Traditional Thai Massage 90 minutes - $135
Thai Massage:
Thai massage on mat (great sports massage). Performed on a padded mat. Assisted stretching, and deep pressure using feet, knees, elbows, palms and thumbs. I will assume heavy to medium pressure.
Dress as for yoga class
Oil? No
Clothed? Yes - Traditional Thai Massage 2 hours - $180
Thai Massage:
Thai massage on mat (great sports massage). Performed on a padded mat. Assisted stretching, and deep pressure using feet, knees, elbows, palms and thumbs. I will assume heavy to medium pressure.
Dress as for yoga class
Oil? No
Clothed? Yes - Traditional Thai Massage 2 1/2 hours - $225
Thai Massage:
Thai massage on mat (great sports massage). Performed on a padded mat. Assisted stretching, and deep pressure using feet, knees, elbows, palms and thumbs. I will assume heavy to medium pressure.
Dress as for yoga class
Oil? No
Clothed? Yes - Traditional Thai Massage 3 hours - $270
Thai Massage:
Thai massage on mat (great sports massage). Performed on a padded mat. Assisted stretching, and deep pressure using feet, knees, elbows, palms and thumbs. I will assume heavy to medium pressure.
Dress as for yoga class
Oil? No
Clothed? Yes
Deep Tissue Massage
- Deep Tissue Massage 1 hour - $90
Deep Tissue
Thai / Chinese style deep tissue massage on table (also good sports massage) using warm oil, hot towels, and aromatherapy.
Pressure is as you like it but I will assume medium to heavy pressure
Oil? Yes
Clothed? No - Deep Tissue Massage 75 minutes - $110
Deep Tissue
Thai / Chinese style deep tissue massage on table (also good sports massage) using warm oil, hot towels, and aromatherapy.
Pressure is as you like it but I will assume medium to heavy pressure
Oil? Yes
Clothed? No - Deep Tissue Massage 90 minutes - $135
Deep Tissue
Thai / Chinese style deep tissue massage on table (also good sports massage) using warm oil, hot towels, and aromatherapy.
Pressure is as you like it but I will assume medium to heavy pressure
Oil? Yes
Clothed? No - Deep Tissue Massage 2 hours - $180
Deep Tissue
Thai / Chinese style deep tissue massage on table (also good sports massage) using warm oil, hot towels, and aromatherapy.
Pressure is as you like it but I will assume medium to heavy pressure
Oil? Yes
Clothed? No - Deep Tissue Massage 3 hours - $270
Deep Tissue
Thai / Chinese style deep tissue massage on table (also good sports massage) using warm oil, hot towels, and aromatherapy.
Pressure is as you like it but I will assume medium to heavy pressure
Oil? Yes
Clothed? No
Relaxing Massage
- Relaxing Massage 1 hour - $90
A relaxing massage given on the table using warm oil, hot towels, aromatherapy, and gentle stretch
Pressure is as you like it but I will assume medium light pressure.
Oil? Yes
Clothed? No
- Relaxing Massage 90 minutes - $135
A relaxing massage given on the table using warm oil, hot towels, aromatherapy, and gentle stretch
Pressure is as you like it but I will assume medium light pressure.
Oil? Yes
Clothed? No
- Relaxing Massage 2 hours - $180
A relaxing massage given on the table using warm oil, hot towels, aromatherapy, and gentle stretch
Pressure is as you like it but I will assume medium light pressure.
Oil? Yes
Clothed? No
- Reflexology / Thai Massage Combo, 90 minutes - $135
A relaxing massage given on the table using warm oil, hot towels, aromatherapy, and gentle stretch
Pressure is as you like it but I will assume medium light pressure.
Oil? Yes
Clothed? No
- Reflexology / Thai Massage Combo, 90 minutes - $135
Reflexology Thai Massage Combo
30 minute Reflexology Service followed by a 1 hour Thai Massage. - Reflexology / Thai Massage Combo, 2 hours - $180
Reflexology Thai Massage Combo
30 minute Reflexology Service followed by a 1 1/2 hour Thai Massage. - Reflexology / Thai Massage Combo, 3 hours - $270
Reflexology Thai Massage Combo
30 minute Reflexology Service followed by a 2 1/2 hour Thai Massage. - Reflexology / Deep Tissue Massage, 90 minutes - $135
Reflexology Deep Tissue Combo
30 minute Reflexology Service followed by a 1 hour Deep Tissue Massage. - Reflexology / Deep Tissue Massage, 2 hours - $180
Reflexology Deep Tissue Combo
30 minute Reflexology Service followed by a 1 1/2 hour Deep Tissue Massage. - Reflexology / Deep Tissue Massage, 3 hours - $270
Reflexology Deep Tissue Combo
30 minute Reflexology Service followed by a 2 1/2 hour Deep Tissue Massage.
- I-Ching Reading
i ching consultation
Consult the I-Ching, ask a question, seek guidance for a particular issue.
Please think about your question carefully! Be as specific as possible!
This service is donation based. - Ma Ha Bote Astrology Chart
Ma Ha Bote Astrology Reading
I will construct and interpret an astrology chart for you, using the Ma Ha Bote, or Burmese astrology system. Includes a Natal chart and a Year chart.
This service is donation based.
- Thai Massage I - $450 (call for appointment)
Beginning Thai Massage class - The Wat Po sequence
36 CEU credit hours